Kuja Dosha and it’s Effects

Hidden Factor Behind Couple’s Fight – Kuja Dosha or Manglik Dosha

In Vedic Astrology, it is called Mangal dosha, Sumangalik dosha, Angaraka dosha, Bhom dosha. Dosha means unfavorable effect or that which can cause problems. Kuja is planet Mars. Placement of planet Mars in an inauspicious manner in a natal chart results in this condition. When planet Mars is placed in the 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th or 12th houses from the ascendant /lagna or Moon or Venus, then it is called Kuja Dosha.


  • The Brahma Vaivarta Purana says that Kuja is the son of the earth.”Ku” means earth and “jha” means birth.
  • He is born out of a coral, left behind in the ocean, as a token of togetherness by Lord Vishnu and Mother Earth or bhoodevi. Hence he is called Bhauma.
  • He is red in color.
  • Lord Subramanya/muruga is the presiding deity of this planet.


Characteristics of Planet Mars or Kuja

  • Planet Mars symbolizes immense courage, energy, will power, and self confidence.
  • Negatively, it causes aggression, irritation, anger, volatile temper, argument, conflict, competition, domination, violence, injury and disaster.
  • The dynamic energy of this planet has to be channelized positively; otherwise it leads to adverse effects.


How to find out whether one has Kuja Dosha?

  • Study of one`s chart or horoscope would reveal the placement of Planet Mars in the horoscope.
  • The planet`s effect on the 7th house of Marriage is studied.
  • If Mars is present in its own house or the 1st house, then the dosha does not happen.
  • Position of this planet would help one know, whether one suffers from this dosha or not.
HousesSignificationsEffects of Kuja Dosha
2nd houseFamily and happinessHarsh speech, misunderstanding among partners.
4th houseChildhood and its experiencesAggression, disturbed domestic life, frequent quarrels.
7th houseMarriage and PartnerDifferences with spouse
8th houseWelfare of the spouseEarly death of spouse, accidents, problems with in-laws.
12th houseConjugal happiness between couplesAnimosity and distrust in marriage. Daily life becomes very difficult.


Impact of Kuja Dosha on Marriage

  • Kuja Dosha is taken into consideration during the time of marriage.
  • Compatibility of charts are to be studied and positioning of Mars in one`s chart is analyzed keenly for success of a marriage.
  • When Mars affects the 7th house of marriage in a malefic manner, then the husband and wife have serious problems, like constant fighting and discord in family life.
  • This dosha leads to an abusive marriage, in terms of verbal, physical and emotional attacks, if proper remedies are not performed in the due time
  • The native would be victimized in the course of marriage, must endure hardships meted out by the spouse, and ultimately it would lead to separation, divorce for no fault of the native.

Ways to Overcome Kuja Dosha

  • For a person with this dosha, it is usually advisable to enter into marriage after the age of 28, when the intensity of the dosha comes down.
  • In many cases, if both partners have kuja dosha, then it is advisable to marry as it is said to negate and balance the negative energies of this planet.
  • It is believed that those who had in previous lifetimes ill treated their life partners would incur this dosha. Chanting of Hanuman Chalisa is the best remedy for this dosha.
  • Fasting on Tuesdays and offering prayers to Planet Mars would help reduce the intensity of the dosha.

Impact of Kuja Dosha on Marriage

  • Kuja Dosha is taken into consideration during the time of marriage.
  • Compatibility of charts are to be studied and positioning of Mars in one`s chart is analyzed keenly for success of a marriage.
  • When Mars affects the 7th house of marriage in a malefic manner, then the husband and wife have serious problems, like constant fighting and discord in family life.
  • This dosha leads to an abusive marriage in terms of verbal, physical and emotional attacks, if proper remedies are not performed in due time
  • The native would be victimized in the course of marriage, must endure hardships meted out by the spouse, and ultimately it would lead to separation, divorce for no fault of the native.

Kuja Dosha Remedies

  • For a person with this dosha, it is usually advisable to enter into marriage after the age of 28, when the intensity of the dosha comes down.
  • In many cases, if both partners have kuja dosha, then it is advisable to marry as it is said to negate and balance the negative energies of this planet.
  • It is believed that those who had in previous lifetimes ill-treated their life partners would incur this dosha. Chanting of Hanuman Chalisa is the best remedy for this dosha.
  • Fasting on Tuesdays and offering prayers to Planet Mars would help reduce the intensity of the dosha.

Savitri Vrat for Kuja Dosha

Married Hindu women in Indian states like Bihar, Uttar Pradesh and Odisha on Amavasya (no moon day) in Jyeshtha month observe Savitri vrat for their husband’s long life. The name of the fast comes from the story of Satyavan and Savithri. Savitri was a devoted wife who hoodwinked yama, the god of death, and saved her husband Satyavan from an early death. The festival is observed on Vat Purnima, the full moon of Jyestha in states like Maharashtra, Gujarat, Goa and Karnataka. As Kuja Dosha in a woman’s horoscope can affect the longevity of the husband negatively, this vrat is believed to avert it.

 Exemptions from Kuja Dosha

The following positions exempt a person from Kuja Dosha:

1. Mars in the 4th, or the 7th identical with Scorpio, Aries, Cancer or Capricorn. It is a favorable position.

2. Mars in the 1st, the 2nd, the 4th, the 7th, the 8th or the 12th but conjoined with the Moon, Mercury or Jupiter or Mercury.

3. Mars in any of the above houses from Lagna, the Moon or Venus but in Aries or Scorpio (own sign), there is no dosha.

4. Mars in a Venusian sign is not bad if in the 4th or the 7th.

5. Mars in a sign of Mercury (Virgo or Gemini), in the 2nd house

6. Mars has no dosha in houses owned by the Sun, the Moon and Saturn (Leo, Cancer and Capricorn, respectively).

7. Sign occupied by Mars is ruled by Jupiter and is the 8th.

8. Mars in moveable signs like Aries, Libra, Cancer and Capricorn.

9. Mars in Cancer and Capricorn

10. If Mars is weak, aspected by or in conjunction with a benefic

11. If Mars is in Cancer or Leo irrespective of the house

12. Mars in Gemini or Taurus or Libra in the 12th house, Aries or Scorpio in the 2nd house, Aries or Scorpio in the 4th Bhava, Taurus or Libra in the 4th, Virgo or Capricorn in the 8th.

13. If Mars is in Ashwini, Moola and Makha constellations.

14. If Mars is in Capricorn for Sagittarius Lagna or Aries for Pisces Lagna in any of the above houses.

15. If Mars is in Aquarius for Scorpio or Cancer for Aries Ascendants.

16. If Mars is in the 7th for those with Saturn as Ascendant lord.

17. If Mars is in the 8th for those with Venus as Lagna lord (for Leo and Cancer Lagnas).

18. If Mars is in the 2nd house which is ruled by Mercury.

19. If Mars is in the 4th house which is his own house.

20. If Mars is in the 12th which is ruled by Venus.

21. If Mars occupies Leo or Aquarius.

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